Allgemein @en

12. January 2016

ProBat now also supports the BATmode-System

We are pleased to tell that since the recently released version 5.2, ProBat now also supports the BATmode-System. This allows to calculate specific bat friendly cut-off wind speeds as well as subsequent losses of earnings quite easily based on the bat activity recorded with the BATmode-System. For the calculation ProBat […]
2. December 2015

myBAT goes online – the cloud for your BATmode-System

Doubtlessly, the efficient and economic monitoring of system reliability is the most challenging task beside call recognition in the acoustic monitoring of bats on wind power plants. Well-established methods like Status-SMS or Status-Mails, which are also integrated in the BATmode system, are a good solution to transmit the current state […]
23. November 2015

Save money with our advance sale campaign!

Help us with a partial payment in advance and profit from special reduced prices. The terms are very simpel: You pay down the half when ordering – and in return you will receive the BATmode-System in time for the monitoring season 2016 more than 30 % cheaper (compared to the […]
24. September 2015

BATmode-System available from November 2015

We used this summer and autumn to test our BATmode-System in cooperation with several well-known consultant companies under real environmental conditions on various types of wind turbines. It was of utmost importance for us to learn as much as possible about the users needs and optimize the BATmode-System to satisfy […]
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