The report of the research project “Reduction of the risk of collision of bats at onshore wind turbines (RENEBAT II)” has been published today. It contains besides results of the projects valuable hints and methods for the acoustical detection of bat activity at wind turbines. Furthermore, it compares various detection systems concerning configuration, operation, detection distance and performance.
Here, one of the tested detection systems was the UltraSoundGate from Avisoft Bioacoustics. This delivered consistently outstanding results in every aspect which is why our nacelle monitoring system BATmode is based on it. All experiences and results, which were made within the research project, were included in the development of our BATmode-System.
Finally, the report summarizes the conditions necessary for the implementation of an acoustical detection of bats at wind turbines and the required work during the nacelle monitoring. Also a guide for analyzing collected activity data is included.
You can download the full report here. More information about the research project can be found at